
Financial Slavery/ News Outlets Misreporting

So, the Daily Mail just misreported an attack of a woman, making it look like a hate crime committed by muslim women.
1 day before elections.
All the sheep are commenting on fb that they're voting for May, and are making islamophobic comments.
I'm sick and tired of ignorant people who don't check facts, follow news outlets owned/funded by conservatives and are so fucking brainwashed they can't see that their country is close to the point of no return.
Most of UK citizens aren't rich. So why the fuck are you supporting conservatives?
Can't you see they're trying to create financial slavery so they can accumulate all the power?
Is it so hard for you to figure the fucking plan?
It's simple af!
Make people as desperate as possible, take their healthcare, take their education, take their rights, take their money. Make them angry.
Say it's the immigrants' fault. Blame anyone.
The people are so enraged at this point they need anyone to make an enemy of and take their anger out on.
But because they're uneducated, they don't have any money and they don't have their health, they're short sighted, don't have time, don't have the energy to look into it, and believe anything media feeds them with.
And... boom! You did it!
You successfully completed financial slavery.
Now they're all poor and stupid and fight each other whilst you use them and make money off them.
Is this so fucking hard to realise? Is it?

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