
Let's welcome 2015

Tomorrow is the last day of 2014.
Many people, blogs, and pages in general started talking about the big events of 2014, the funny/ugly/epic moments. It's a habit many of us practice.
I personally feel the new years eve is way more important than christmas. I'm not religious after all.
Therefore that moment when a year is over and we're moving to a new period of time, a new era, seems way more important and celebratory to me.

So... 2014. I wanna say this has been the worst year of my life, but then again I would be ignoring some glorious moments I had.
2014 brought me problems, many problems... It brought me anxiety, depression, failure, break-ups, heart aches, betrayals, end of long-term friendships, financial difficulties and overall frustration and hopelessness.
However, 2014 also brought me new friends, happy moments, love, passion, feelings, support from people I wasn't expecting it from, presents from friends and strangers and it made me redefine my identity and discover other sides of myself that I didn't have the chance to explore before.

I do appreciate all that has come my way this year, good and bad.
But for once I want to wish and hope that this new year will not be a roller coaster like the previous years have been. It seems things happen to me with great intensity; good and bad things. That can be extremely tiring.
For a change I would rather have a stable -even a tad boring- year where I will be able to focus on finishing my degree -finally- and then moving on to living my life again.

-Ready for 2015


Random Thoughts XXIX

December didn't start off well.But then again neither did any other month of this fucking year.And here we go again, right at the end of the year reminiscing about past years, saying how much better our life was and how much hope we have in the new year...No mofos. I have no fucking hope for the new year.It's probably gonna be even worse than this fucking year. Which is hard, but still doable.So fuck all.

Random Thoughts XXVIII

It's sad you know.

When this world forces you to burry your humanity.

It's really sad.