What happens when a therapist is biased?
When I see psychologists, psychiatrists etc. reinforce harmful societal stereotypes and notions I feel disappointed, disgusted and enraged.
As a medical professional you ought to prioritize seeing your patients in order to support/help them and you must never allow your personal opinions to hinder your patients' healing process.
Using your position of power as a medical professional and your authority over your patient to poison their brain with discriminatory behaviour, hate or notions that will impact them negatively, diminishing their self-worth and devalue their identity is malpractice.
So, I would invite any therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts who are racists, misogynists, lgbtqai+phobes, sexists, religious fanatics and generally display or support discriminatory behaviour to burn their certificates and quite their practice.
They should not be allowed to be in contact with patients as they will do -and probably have done- more harm than good.
I know people whose lives were destroyed by bad therapists.
Patients are vulnerable, and thus, easy targets for medical professionals who either serve a certain agenda, or can't separate their personal views from their medical practice.
As a medical professional you ought to prioritize seeing your patients in order to support/help them and you must never allow your personal opinions to hinder your patients' healing process.
Using your position of power as a medical professional and your authority over your patient to poison their brain with discriminatory behaviour, hate or notions that will impact them negatively, diminishing their self-worth and devalue their identity is malpractice.
So, I would invite any therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts who are racists, misogynists, lgbtqai+phobes, sexists, religious fanatics and generally display or support discriminatory behaviour to burn their certificates and quite their practice.
They should not be allowed to be in contact with patients as they will do -and probably have done- more harm than good.
I know people whose lives were destroyed by bad therapists.
Patients are vulnerable, and thus, easy targets for medical professionals who either serve a certain agenda, or can't separate their personal views from their medical practice.
Black Friday 2017
Happy Black Friday y'all!
To all my friends who work in retail:
May the force be with you. I hope you manage to return home unscathed.
To everyone else:
Enjoy your shopping and please don't step on other people, don't shout at staff or anyone, be respectful, and have an idea of what you want to buy before you enter a store.
If you don't like large crowds I'd suggest doing your shopping online, but remain vigilant for scammers (e.g. dodgy emails and links, unsafe websites etc.).
To all my friends who work in retail:
May the force be with you. I hope you manage to return home unscathed.
To everyone else:
Enjoy your shopping and please don't step on other people, don't shout at staff or anyone, be respectful, and have an idea of what you want to buy before you enter a store.
If you don't like large crowds I'd suggest doing your shopping online, but remain vigilant for scammers (e.g. dodgy emails and links, unsafe websites etc.).
Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates it.
May we all take a moment to think about the things we have, and why we should be grateful for them.
And may we have more and more things to be grateful for each year.
☮️ 💜
May we all take a moment to think about the things we have, and why we should be grateful for them.
And may we have more and more things to be grateful for each year.
☮️ 💜
The disparity of finding pleasure in aesthetics
Aesthetics. Or more specifically, the disparity of finding pleasure in aesthetics.
Do we have to abide by the 'laws' of the aesthetics we find pleasing or are attracted to?
I personally find immense pleasure in certain aesthetics. I enjoy occult, gothic, witchy, dark, alternative, body modification, victorian and edo era aesthetics -among others.
However, even though I find visual -and sometimes auditory- pleasure in those aesthetics, I may not always identify with the ideology, beliefs and faith associated with them.
Does the fact that I am attracted to occult symbols mean they have to mean something to me, or that I have to believe in what they stand for? Or am I allowed to give them my own meanings, or even enjoy them as images deprived of any meaning?
I have tattoos of occult symbols and plan to get a few occult and witchcraft themed tattoos as well. To me they mean a lot on a personal level, and especially as symbols of femininity and feminism. But not as much as symbols of magick and witchcraft.
Does that make me a hypocrite because I'm not a believer, because I don't have faith in magick?
Many would say yes. And that's fine.
Do we have to abide by the 'laws' of the aesthetics we find pleasing or are attracted to?
Or is it possible to entertain a certain aesthetic and celebrate only parts of it?
I personally find immense pleasure in certain aesthetics. I enjoy occult, gothic, witchy, dark, alternative, body modification, victorian and edo era aesthetics -among others.However, even though I find visual -and sometimes auditory- pleasure in those aesthetics, I may not always identify with the ideology, beliefs and faith associated with them.
After all, I can entertain parts of the aesthetics that intrigue me, without necessarily having to embrace the whole aesthetic.
For instance, even though I'm extremely interested in witchcraft and the witchy aesthetic, I do not believe in magick and its manifestation. I may even attempt to practice witchcraft to experience or to achieve a better understanding of it. Nevertheless, I do not have faith in it.Does the fact that I am attracted to occult symbols mean they have to mean something to me, or that I have to believe in what they stand for? Or am I allowed to give them my own meanings, or even enjoy them as images deprived of any meaning?
I have tattoos of occult symbols and plan to get a few occult and witchcraft themed tattoos as well. To me they mean a lot on a personal level, and especially as symbols of femininity and feminism. But not as much as symbols of magick and witchcraft.
Does that make me a hypocrite because I'm not a believer, because I don't have faith in magick?
Many would say yes. And that's fine.
But to me, having a specific interest doesn't demand faith.
If Lemmy (the late lead singer of Motorhead) could collect Nazi memorabilia without being considered a Nazi or a fascist, if he was allowed to have an interested without having to be associated with its ideology, why can't I do the same?And I think I can. Whether it's witchcraft, gothic aesthetics, the edo era or anything else, as long as I am respectful and have an understanding of the aesthetic, its history and what it entails, I believe I'm far from being a hypocrite.
(image source:https://weheartit.com/entry/165358841)10/11/2017
Sexual harassment & rape allegations on the news
With all of which has been happening lately in regards to past sexual harassment and rape revelations I would like to take this moment to connect with all of you who are survivors and are now suffering from PTSD -which is resurfacing due to the news:
•You have the right to turn the news off. You have the right to disconnect from the Internet for sometime. You are not a bad person for doing so. Self-care and self-love is tremendously important in your journey to heal.
Be selfish, you deserve it!
Be selfish, you deserve it!
•You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. No one is entitled to request your PTSD status, your general or specific mental health status and why the news may be upsetting.
The fact that so many women are raped and harassed daily should be upsetting to everyone anyway!
The fact that so many women are raped and harassed daily should be upsetting to everyone anyway!
•If your PTSD is getting bad or out of control, please, seek support. Either professional or from your loved ones. There are even online resources where you can receive support for free.
•Lastly, it is ok to block people and disassociate yourself from them if their behaviour, words or actions are a trigger to you. You do not have to tolerate anything/anyone that/who is harmful to your mental or physical health.
Stay safe & take care!
Black Dahlia Tattoo in Athens
In 2013 I went to one of these 'Piercing Events' they had and I paid 20 euros for a microdermal.
Funnily enough, the piercer told me he didn't have the right size jewelry for my piercing, but what he had would do (other people heard him say it too).
The result was that due to the jewelry being too short the piercing was healing the wrong way. I actually had to pull it out by myself, as the piercer was not there any of the times I called to ask for help with that piercing.
4 years later, I still have the scar.
I've been pierced over 40+ times, had all sorts of piercings, so I know how to take care of my piercings. So I kindly ask you to refrain from blaming this on me.
I have friends who had piercings done there and never had an issue and love the place, but I also have friends whose experiences were negative.
Funnily enough, the piercer told me he didn't have the right size jewelry for my piercing, but what he had would do (other people heard him say it too).
The result was that due to the jewelry being too short the piercing was healing the wrong way. I actually had to pull it out by myself, as the piercer was not there any of the times I called to ask for help with that piercing.
4 years later, I still have the scar.
I've been pierced over 40+ times, had all sorts of piercings, so I know how to take care of my piercings. So I kindly ask you to refrain from blaming this on me.
I have friends who had piercings done there and never had an issue and love the place, but I also have friends whose experiences were negative.
I would personally never step my foot in there again, and if I ever saw that piercer I'd give him a piece of my mind.
Everyone has them.
Some share them with others, some keep them to themselves.
But there's no harm in having secrets, as long as these secrets don't harm someone else.
Your own secrets are yours to keep, and it's no one's business to dig up and reveal them, or force you to expose them.
But bare in mind that once you share them, you have no control over what others will do with them.
'Am I not supposed to trust anyone?' you may ask.
Of course. You have the right to trust anyone you want.
But as The Pierces' song says: "Two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead."
Some share them with others, some keep them to themselves.
But there's no harm in having secrets, as long as these secrets don't harm someone else.
Your own secrets are yours to keep, and it's no one's business to dig up and reveal them, or force you to expose them.
But bare in mind that once you share them, you have no control over what others will do with them.
'Am I not supposed to trust anyone?' you may ask.
Of course. You have the right to trust anyone you want.
But as The Pierces' song says: "Two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead."
Έχει γίνει του πορνό στο Twitter επειδή πήρε 2ήμερη άδεια ο Κουφοντίνας, επειδή ένας από αυτούς που τον υποδέχτηκαν έξω από τη φυλακή ήταν ο γιος του προέδρου της Βουλής, επειδή .... μπλα μπλα μπλα
Ναι, δολοφόνησε 11 ανθρώπους. Ναι, ήταν μέλος τρομοκρατικής οργάνωσης. Όχι, ο φόνος δεν πρέπει να επιβραβεύεται.
Αλλά, η 17 Νοέμβρη δε στοχοποιούσε αθώους πολίτες. Στοχοποιούσε διεφθαρμένους πολιτικούς και μαφιόζους. Πολλές φορές μια θετική αλλαγή είναι βουτηγμένη στο αίμα. Ειδικά εφόσον η δικαιοσύνη υποστήριζε το 'δίκιο' των λίγων, και όχι το δίκιο των πολιτών, ήταν αναμενόμενο ότι κάποιοι πολίτες θα επαναστατούσαν.
Καμία ειρηνική και αναίμακτη επανάσταση δεν είχε αποτελέσματα.
Προφανώς μαζί με τους ενόχους θα υπήρξαν παράπλευρες απώλειες.
Δεν επικροτώ τη δολοφονία ούτε την τρομοκρατία.
Αλλά αν η 17 Νοέμβρη είναι τρομοκρατική οργάνωση, κι όλοι αυτοί που τρώνε τόσα χρόνια τα λεφτά του Ελληνικού λαού, όλοι οι διεφθαρμένοι πολιτικοί, οι μαφιόζοι, οι εμπλεκόμενοι σε σκάνδαλα, όλοι αυτοί είναι επίσης τρομοκράτες.
Εγώ εύχομαι στον κύριο Κουφοντίνα να απολαύσει αυτές τις 2 μέρες άδειας που του δώθηκε, αλλά περισσότερο να απολαύσει ότι όλοι οι διεφθαρμένοι θα τρέμουν και θα τρώνε τα λύσσακά τους αυτές τις 2 μέρες.
Ναι, δολοφόνησε 11 ανθρώπους. Ναι, ήταν μέλος τρομοκρατικής οργάνωσης. Όχι, ο φόνος δεν πρέπει να επιβραβεύεται.
Αλλά, η 17 Νοέμβρη δε στοχοποιούσε αθώους πολίτες. Στοχοποιούσε διεφθαρμένους πολιτικούς και μαφιόζους. Πολλές φορές μια θετική αλλαγή είναι βουτηγμένη στο αίμα. Ειδικά εφόσον η δικαιοσύνη υποστήριζε το 'δίκιο' των λίγων, και όχι το δίκιο των πολιτών, ήταν αναμενόμενο ότι κάποιοι πολίτες θα επαναστατούσαν.
Καμία ειρηνική και αναίμακτη επανάσταση δεν είχε αποτελέσματα.
Προφανώς μαζί με τους ενόχους θα υπήρξαν παράπλευρες απώλειες.
Δεν επικροτώ τη δολοφονία ούτε την τρομοκρατία.
Αλλά αν η 17 Νοέμβρη είναι τρομοκρατική οργάνωση, κι όλοι αυτοί που τρώνε τόσα χρόνια τα λεφτά του Ελληνικού λαού, όλοι οι διεφθαρμένοι πολιτικοί, οι μαφιόζοι, οι εμπλεκόμενοι σε σκάνδαλα, όλοι αυτοί είναι επίσης τρομοκράτες.
Εγώ εύχομαι στον κύριο Κουφοντίνα να απολαύσει αυτές τις 2 μέρες άδειας που του δώθηκε, αλλά περισσότερο να απολαύσει ότι όλοι οι διεφθαρμένοι θα τρέμουν και θα τρώνε τα λύσσακά τους αυτές τις 2 μέρες.
Angry & Tired
I've been very angry lately.
Angry and tired.
Angry because I see so much unfairness around me. People benefit from others' sadness and exploitation. And they don't even care.
They don't give a fuck.
And tired because I am one of those who care.
I am one of those who do give a fuck.
And so, I suffer.
I suffer due to my own issues (which I'm not going to refer to on this post, as they're way too many), but I also suffer due to others' issues and how the unfairness of this world is affecting them.
I'm also tired of how unfairness influences my life, my health, my career, my relationships.
Many people say money can't bring you happiness. Well, what it can bring you is very close to that: power. And power gives you the opportunity to say 'fuck all' and do as you please, live as you please, freed from the restrictions and limitations of a 'normal/average' life.
Angry and tired.
Angry because I see so much unfairness around me. People benefit from others' sadness and exploitation. And they don't even care.
They don't give a fuck.
And tired because I am one of those who care.
I am one of those who do give a fuck.
And so, I suffer.
I suffer due to my own issues (which I'm not going to refer to on this post, as they're way too many), but I also suffer due to others' issues and how the unfairness of this world is affecting them.
I'm also tired of how unfairness influences my life, my health, my career, my relationships.
Many people say money can't bring you happiness. Well, what it can bring you is very close to that: power. And power gives you the opportunity to say 'fuck all' and do as you please, live as you please, freed from the restrictions and limitations of a 'normal/average' life.
I know your true face
In the past few days I keep stumbling upon pictures and posts featuring a certain person from the Greek alternative/queer community.
That person -and certain people they associate with- hurt very good friends of mine, and have even tried to hurt me, too.
I don't want people like that in my life of course, hence why, I cut off all ties years ago.
That person and other people that person has relations with are extremely spiteful, petty and mean. Like the 'Mean Girls' -but the alternative/queer version of that.
People like that are one of the reasons why I'm discouraged from ever attempting to be part of the Greek queer community and I just stand beside it as an ally, always keeping some sort of distance.
Unfortunately, too many negative incidents with people who are 'popular' in those circles have taken place, to allow me to feel comfortable in them.
Anyhow, I'd urge all of you to stop being dazzled by others' appearance and style. Look into their souls. Listen to their words. Observe their actions.
If someone keeps trashtalking about others in front of you, they most likely trashtalk about you behind your back as well.
And when trashtalking often entails remarks on one's body, race, sexuality etc. it's discrimination.
The fact that one may be part of one marginalised social group, doesn't mean they can't be discriminatory towards other marginalised social groups.
Unfortunately, the old saying 'Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you' doesn't really hold any meaning for many people.
That person -and certain people they associate with- hurt very good friends of mine, and have even tried to hurt me, too.
I don't want people like that in my life of course, hence why, I cut off all ties years ago.
That person and other people that person has relations with are extremely spiteful, petty and mean. Like the 'Mean Girls' -but the alternative/queer version of that.
People like that are one of the reasons why I'm discouraged from ever attempting to be part of the Greek queer community and I just stand beside it as an ally, always keeping some sort of distance.
Unfortunately, too many negative incidents with people who are 'popular' in those circles have taken place, to allow me to feel comfortable in them.
Anyhow, I'd urge all of you to stop being dazzled by others' appearance and style. Look into their souls. Listen to their words. Observe their actions.
If someone keeps trashtalking about others in front of you, they most likely trashtalk about you behind your back as well.
And when trashtalking often entails remarks on one's body, race, sexuality etc. it's discrimination.
The fact that one may be part of one marginalised social group, doesn't mean they can't be discriminatory towards other marginalised social groups.
Unfortunately, the old saying 'Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you' doesn't really hold any meaning for many people.
Random Thoughts LXVIII
Feeling quite blue today...
I don't know, it seems that every time I take a few steps forward towards improving my life -and my health- something happens that pushes me back.
It took such a long time -due to my ill health- to finish my masters degree. After struggling and fighting for so long, I made it.
Then, I managed to find a place to live and I got myself a job. Isn't that what adults are supposed to do anyways?
The housing situation especially affected my health -severely. The job was fine -most of the time- even though I was underpaid.
But in the end, all sorts of horrific things came to my life at the same time -as always timing is extremely fucked up in my life-, awaking some old buried phantoms of the past as well.
It's not easy to fight everything at once and all the time. And it's even harder when most people don't know your struggles and suffering and have certain expectations from you, or misconceptions of you.
Which is why this past year I decided to drop the weight of others' expectations completely. For once in my life I am being selfish.
I've tried to do that many times in the past, but I had failed.
This time, I had no other choice. My survival instincts kicked in and I prioritised myself.
Because I had to.
I don't know, it seems that every time I take a few steps forward towards improving my life -and my health- something happens that pushes me back.
It took such a long time -due to my ill health- to finish my masters degree. After struggling and fighting for so long, I made it.
Then, I managed to find a place to live and I got myself a job. Isn't that what adults are supposed to do anyways?
The housing situation especially affected my health -severely. The job was fine -most of the time- even though I was underpaid.
But in the end, all sorts of horrific things came to my life at the same time -as always timing is extremely fucked up in my life-, awaking some old buried phantoms of the past as well.
It's not easy to fight everything at once and all the time. And it's even harder when most people don't know your struggles and suffering and have certain expectations from you, or misconceptions of you.
Which is why this past year I decided to drop the weight of others' expectations completely. For once in my life I am being selfish.
I've tried to do that many times in the past, but I had failed.
This time, I had no other choice. My survival instincts kicked in and I prioritised myself.
Because I had to.
Random Thoughts LXVII
I always feel like I'm getting more and more tired of life.
But then I look back on my posts and I see that I've been equally tired since a long time ago.
It just feels like it's all new or more intense, when it isn't.
I wonder, how flawed can my perception be in other matters?
For example, I already have an issue with my perception of time, and certain events. I sometimes even struggle to separate reality from fantasy.
But I've noticed that that happens to other people as well. Many of those people I know and/or love. Interestingly enough, most of them don't realise.
What if we all do it one way or another, having a flawed perception, one that cannot always be objective, distinguish reality, or follow linear concepts, but we aren't aware of it?
What does that mean for the world? The way it operates, the way societies form, and even more importantly, the way we seek and perceive the truth?
Damn, that escalated quickly to a philosophical debate -or maybe to a mere philosophical question...
But then I look back on my posts and I see that I've been equally tired since a long time ago.
It just feels like it's all new or more intense, when it isn't.
I wonder, how flawed can my perception be in other matters?
For example, I already have an issue with my perception of time, and certain events. I sometimes even struggle to separate reality from fantasy.
But I've noticed that that happens to other people as well. Many of those people I know and/or love. Interestingly enough, most of them don't realise.
What if we all do it one way or another, having a flawed perception, one that cannot always be objective, distinguish reality, or follow linear concepts, but we aren't aware of it?
What does that mean for the world? The way it operates, the way societies form, and even more importantly, the way we seek and perceive the truth?
Damn, that escalated quickly to a philosophical debate -or maybe to a mere philosophical question...
Random Thoughts
All this time I've been numbering my 'Random Thoughts' posts with latin numerals.
Only thing is, I actually fucked it up as i never checked what the numerals were for anything above 10.
I thought you could just keep using those, but no.
After forty they change. And so I am left with two options: Ether go back and edit each title or use the correct numerals from now on.
As you can probably guess, I'm not going back to over 60 posts to correct the numerals on the title.
But I will try to keep using the right numerals from now on.
Why did I even use those damned latin numerals in the first place?
I guess I was trying to be fancy...(?)
Only thing is, I actually fucked it up as i never checked what the numerals were for anything above 10.
I thought you could just keep using those, but no.
After forty they change. And so I am left with two options: Ether go back and edit each title or use the correct numerals from now on.
As you can probably guess, I'm not going back to over 60 posts to correct the numerals on the title.
But I will try to keep using the right numerals from now on.
Why did I even use those damned latin numerals in the first place?
I guess I was trying to be fancy...(?)
Why be subscribed to both my blog and wordpress?
Well, I don't blame you for asking.
I recently decided to create Wordpress as a back-up to my blog.
However, the more I use Wordpress the more I feel the need to use it for a different purpose.
And so, I decided to use Wordpress to share snippets of my work, whereas, I will use my blog as what it's supposed to be, my personal blog.
On Wordpress you will find parts of my poems, lyrics, stories, thoughts etc., and even a few articles.
On my blog you'll find my unfiltered opinion on the news, my thoughts, rants, my personal stories, lists, hauls, beauty related posts, reviews etc.
Basically, my blog is the unfiltered and pretty personal medium I use to express myself, whereas my wordpress is more 'professional.'
Of course there will be some crossovers between the two, and you may find certain articles or art shared via both platforms.
I hope you enjoy both!
I recently decided to create Wordpress as a back-up to my blog.
However, the more I use Wordpress the more I feel the need to use it for a different purpose.
And so, I decided to use Wordpress to share snippets of my work, whereas, I will use my blog as what it's supposed to be, my personal blog.
On Wordpress you will find parts of my poems, lyrics, stories, thoughts etc., and even a few articles.
On my blog you'll find my unfiltered opinion on the news, my thoughts, rants, my personal stories, lists, hauls, beauty related posts, reviews etc.
Basically, my blog is the unfiltered and pretty personal medium I use to express myself, whereas my wordpress is more 'professional.'
Of course there will be some crossovers between the two, and you may find certain articles or art shared via both platforms.
I hope you enjoy both!
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