
"Choose happiness"????

I just watched an interview on Channel 4.
A man was saying that "Life is what you choose it to be, you control how you perceive the world" etc. etc. etc.
I see many people repeating this on social media.
However, these people never include people who suffer from mental health in their message.
Because when you say everyone has a choice, you need to clarify you're talking about people who are mentally healthy.
Otherwise, you're being mentalists (aka ableists towards people who suffer from mental illness).
Because people who suffer from mental health do not have a choice.
No one chooses to suffer from anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, ptsd etc.
No one.
But people do suffer from those, and other mental illnesses.
And it's definitely not their choice.
So it's all fun and games when you can actually choose to be happy, when you have the ability to control your mind, but it's a nightmare when you don't.
Mental illness is a mentally healthy person's dystopia.
Even though I'm not expecting mentally healthy people to understand, I'd rather they make the clarification that they're addressing fellow mentally healthy persons.
Unfortunately, many people who suffer from mental illness read that stuff and feel guilty for being unable to "choose happiness".
Well, if you suffer from mental health and you read this:
It's not your fault.
It wasn't your choice.
You're not to blame.

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