
You can't change the world

So, tonight, a stranger messaged me on a social media platform to give me advice.

Apparently he saw my comment under an article/post and he came into conclusions about how I live and how I should live my life.

His message looked something like this:
"I see you waste your time on things you can't change, letting them affect you and consume you. Why bother when you can't change the world? Just accept things are bad and move on. I apologise if my advice is unwanted, but I saw your comment somewhere and I took the liberty of messaging you."

I didn't respond to him, nor do I plan to.

You may ask.

Because his advice was unwanted and flawed.

1. I don't need anyone mansplaining how I should and shouldn't live my life.
2. He was a stranger, not a friend, not family, not a loved one. So his opinion on how I live my life doesn't matter.
3. But above all, he said that I should tolerate injustice (as I'm sure I know which comment he was referring to; it was a comment under a misogynistic meme). He said I should tolerate injustice, because I can't change the world.


Dear Stranger,
Watch me as I change the world.

I may not change it drastically, but I will change it -even a little bit.

Every person who reads my blog, every person who watches my videos, every person I have ever had a conversation with, I had an impact on. On some less, on some more. Nevertheless, the level of the impact is irrelevant, as what's important is the impact in itself.
Because that little seed I planted will slowly blossom to chain reactions that one day will cause a bigger change. Hopefully a positive one.

So, when you tell me that I can't change the world, I have one thing to say:

I already have.

Your trully,

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