
Revenge Porn

A couple of days ago, Rob Kardashian decided it was a good and fair idea to post nude pictures of his ex, Black Chyna online.
Apparently she was (and I'm paraphrasing): having sex with multiple guys in the house he paid for, with the body he paid for, did drugs using the money he gave her, and all that when their child was in the house.
He slutshamed her routhlessly, posted explicit videos and pictures of her on Instagram and went on a rant telling us the financial and other details of their relationship.

Now, this isn't a first time Rob K is disrespectful and demeaning towards women (remember his slutshaming towards Rita Ora?).

I understand that this man is suffering from depression, eating disorders and some sort of agoraphobia. He may also be suffering from other things we aren't aware of.
But that doesn't excuse his behaviour.

Of course it's infuriating when your ex is moving on in life, and if she did actually do drugs and have sex with their child in the house, that's unacceptable. Not sure if she cheated on him as he says, as I was under the impression they separated sometime ago.

However, if that is the case, you gather evidence and give it to a lawyer. You don't expose your ex's naked body on social media for the whole world to see.

When someone is sending YOU a picture, this picture isn't intended for the whole world to see (unless stated otherwise by the sender).

We all suspected Chyna used Rob for his money. I mean, it doesn't take an astrophysicist to see that her getting pregnant so early was way too convenient.
Many claimed she was a golddigger.

Nevertheless, no one, NO ONE, should ever be victim of revenge porn. And when you expose graphic material that your ex had sent YOU when you were together, that is revenge porn.

My understanding is that the state of California has laws against revenge porn in place, so Rob K may actually face time (depending on how good his lawyer is and who Kris Jenner knows).

And I do believe he deserves to serve time.
Men need to stop using a woman's body to degrade and humiliate her.

I once saw men in a thread saying that once you send a picture to someone it's your fault if it goes viral.
Well, no. Because if you're in a relationship, you trust that your partner isn't an asshole and a scumbag who will use your intimate moments to hurt you.
Even if you're not in a relationship, it should be expected that men have the decency to delete pictures of women they are not currently seeing, or at least keep them private forever.
Otherwise, what's your message? That no man can ever be trusted? That all men would use revenge porn to hurt an ex?
I would like to believe that this is false. Not all men are assholes and not all men would do what Rob did.

So, if you're a man and you see your friends, acquaintances, relatives etc. supporting revenge porn in any way, or degrading/slutshaming/hating women you need to take a stand. Don't let them think it's ok.

Way too many women and femme persons have been traumatised forever due to revenge porn. Some even lost their lives.

To sum up, on one hand I feel bad for Rob, as he was financially and emotionally exploited. But on the other, I feel he lost his right to complain or demand justice the moment he used revenge porn and slutshamed Chyna.

What a woman does in her sex life is no one's business. So to use slutshaming and revenge porn (knowing the horrific backlash it will have on her) is a crime.

In my opinion Rob should have contacted a lawyer to settle this, rather than act like an entitled misogynist brat.

I feel extremely sorry for their child, Dream, as she will have to deal with all this in the future, and that isn't healthy for a child, or anyone, to have to deal with.

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