
Creepy incident vol. 244848220

I'm at the bus stop waiting for the night bus.
This guy keeps looking my way.
I ignore him.
He doesn't seem like he wants to get on the bus.
Then, after 10 minutes he comes to wait at the bus stop.
I go stand away from him.
The bus arrives.
He purposely comes where I am so we get on the bus from the same door.
He stands next to me on the bus.
When I push the stop button and try to move towards the front of the bus he says in English that he's getting off as well.
We get off the bus.
At this point I'm well aware he got off because he's creepy/dangerous. So, I wait at the bus stop to see if he's going to go away.
After a few minutes he disappears and so I proceed to walk home.
However, he was hiding behind a wall and suddenly creeps from behind to comment on my tattoos.
I murmur something and try to walk away.
He walks faster and stops in front of me and asks me about my accent and where I'm from.
I say that I'm Greek and I try to move away.
At this point I'm not even trying to get home because I don't want him to know where I live.
He asks if I'm going home. I say I'm just walking around.
He persists on having conversation with me.
I say that I don't feel comfortable talking to strangers.
He looks weirded out. I say thank you and walk away.
Now, after I walked away I had to hide and wait to make sure he truly left.
Even after that I kept looking behind my shoulder to make sure he wasn't following me.
And that, my male friends, is why you should NEVER try to approach women at night. Because experience tells us that if you do that, chances are you're a rapist, a serial killer or a stalker.

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