
NYX lip swatches

Here you will find swatches and reviews of the following NYX lip products:

Liquid Suede: Stone Fox, Softspoken, Sandstorm, Brooklyn Thorn. (£6.50)

Liquid Lingerie: Embellishment, Exotic, Ruffle Trim. (£6.50)

Lip Cream: Stockholm, Cannes. (£5.50)

It has been really hard for me to find lip swatches of NYX lip products from people with pale complexion (or as pale as mine), so after buying 9 shades, I decided it was time to do my own lip swatches and reviews.
And who knows, maybe they'll be useful to some of you! 💜

ps. I bought these off Boots, but NYX has its own website where you can buy them. I do find Boots is cheaper though. 

Stone Fox

This is one of my least favourite shades, unfortunately. It's a dark blue grey and I think it has a green undertone. I was urged to buy this when I saw Jeffree Star wearing it. But I forgot he films in studio lights and he has bigger and probably nicer lips than mine. This colour can get a bit patchy, and it can look or bad depending on the light. It's not a great colour to wear somewhere dark. Unless you're really into black lipstick.



One of my favourites. It's a warm shade (which could be nude depending on your skintone). It's kind of a brown dark pink -if you could say that. I think it goes well with so many different eye looks. Love it!



I have been wanting to buy this for sometime now. It's the perfect light moka shade. In my opinion it can work with both a dramatic look (as long as it's on the nude side) or with an everyday look. This lip colour compliments earthy eyeshadows. Absolutely adore it!


Brooklyn Thorn

I'm still not sure about this one. Even though I like how it looks on pictures and on camera, I'm not sure I love how it looks in person on me. It's a greyish dark brown colour. Very cooltoned (which I'm not mad at at all). Thing is, I think I'm too pale to pull it off. Maybe during winter time...



Another shade that looks great on camera and pictures, but I'm not so sure about in person. I have to admit though, this is a unique grey mauve colour that I'm happy to have in my collection. I think this is one of those colours that can look amazing with a very simple eye look, but can also support a dramatic eye look. 



This is a lot darker in person than it looks on pictures (at least on me). It's definitely a shade I want to wear during the day, otherwise it looks like a vamp red. It's a brick red colour with some softer pink undertones. 


Ruffle Trim

I've been wanting to buy this for sometime as well. It does look more orange in person and on camera than in pictures, and again, it all depends on the light. It's a beautiful colour, and I can't wait to use it on monochromatic makeup looks, as orange is one of my fav colours to use on eye looks. It's a light brick colour.



This is a bit too light for me I feel, even though it's a beautiful peachy nude colour. If you're pale you have to be careful with light peachy shades, otherwise they may wash you out. This can definitely support some warm smokey eye, or even an everyday summer look. 



I got this after I saw my friend Milly wearing it. It's a unique rosy nude colour, perfect for spring. I'm not particularly into 'spring' or 'summer' colours, but I don't have anything similar in my collection, so it's always good to have variety. I think it can compliment any warm  light nude eye makeup or even a simple cat-eye. I feel both this one and Stockholm can also be worn on a bare face.


General comments:

Horrendous applicator.

Decent quantity for the price.

They all have a chemical smell apart from the lip creams.

The formula is a bit thick and applies a bit weirdly at first (apart from the Liquid Suede).

I strongly believe that they're worth the price and a great alternative to many high end brands (plus they're cruelty free!).

My favourite shades are Sandstorm, Softspoken, Embellishment and Ruffle Trim.

My favourite formula of the three is the Liquid Suede.

I hope you found this review and swatches useful!

Thank you for visiting my page! x


Real people

Real people are tall. Or short. Or any height.
Real people are thin. Or athletic. Or curvy. Or obese. Or any weight and built.
Real people have scars. Or not.
Real people have stretch marks. Or not.
Real people have cellulite. Or not.
Real people have acne. Or other skin conditions. Or not.
Real people have ingrown hair. Or not.
Real people have long hair. Or short hair. Or no hair.
Real people have curly hair. Or straight hair. Or any hair.
Real people have disabilities. Or not.
Real people suffer from mental health. Or not.
Real people come from all sorts of different backgrounds.
Real people are religious. Or not.
Real people have experienced trauma. Or not.
Real people can't be 'perfect.'
Real people are you, me and every other person on this planet.


Will you ever return back to Greece?

I remember a few years back when I was asked if I ever want to return back to Greece, I said 'No' without even thinking about it.
But back then, Brexit wasn't even a thought, the NHS wasn't a mess, the Arts hadn't been diminished and the prices weren't as outrageous as they are today.
Do I want to return to Greece now?
It's still 'No.' I left Greece for a reason.
Greek culture cannot 'contain' me; it has no place for me.
Greek people -in their majority- cannot accept or understand me.
As an outspoken Atheist, as a feminist, as a tattooed and pierced woman and as a plus sized woman I will always be the target of street harassment, ridicule and bullying.
So to return to that, that would be heartbreaking.
To think that UK fucked up this big that I am even considering the idea of returning to Greece for sometime...
Sad. Disappointing. Scary.


Life is unfair

"Life is unfair."

I've heard this statement since I was a child. And my journey in life proved that this statement is right.

But, why is life unfair?

Well, life is unfair for the following reasons:
  1. It works for some people, and because those people are in power, they do all they can to keep life being unfair. Because millions of people suffering in poverty means a thousand people can live in villas and own expensive things. Life is unfair both ways. Some people have a lot, when they shouldn't, and some people have nothing, when they should at least have something.
  2. It is like gambling. Even the ones that are suffering due to the unfairness always hope they can somehow climb up the social/financial ladder and be up there with the rich people who benefit from unfairness. So instead of working towards abolishing unfairness, they reinforce it in the hope of crossing to the other side.
  3. Many people don't want to feel they're equal to others. They have a superiority complex, huge egos and will do anything to feel they're more important. E.g. be as rich as possible, so they feel they're better from the rest of the population. It's no coincidence exclusive clubs and members only places are so popular within the rich.
  • Is there any hope for change?
Absolutely not in my opinion. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but look around you. Do you sincerely think the rich will give up on their power so that no one is poor?
Nope, they give no fucks. 

  • So, what are we supposed to do?
I don't know what to tell you. Many people turn into drugs, alcohol, gambling etc. to be able to cope with that shit. 
Others find other ways to escape harsh reality.

  • What do I do?
Nothing. Literally, nothing. There's no point at this stage to do anything, so I'm just trying to ensure I can survive somehow. (Spoiler alert: not doing a great job at it at the moment)

  • What should you do?
Only you have the answer to that. 
Good luck. 

Έλα στη θέση μου

Ακολουθεί εκτενής σχολιασμός πάνω σε Ελληνική σειρά:
Αυτό το Μίμη τον απεχθάνομαι!
Είναι ο κάθε κάγκουρας μισογύνης Ελληναράς.
Όχι μόνο παρενοχλεί σεξουαλικά την Ισμήνη, αλλά είναι και παιδεραστής το καθίκι μιας κι η Ισμήνη είναι ανήλικη ενώ εκείνος κοντεύει 30.
Ελπίζω να μην τολμήσουν να τους βάλουν να τα φτιάξουν στο τέλος στη σειρά, γιατί τι μήνυμα θα δώσει αυτό στο κοινό; Ότι η σεξουαλική παρενόχληση 'αποδίδει';
Γενικά απογοητεύομαι. 2017 κι ακόμα οι Ελληνικές σειρές δεν καταλαβαίνουν ότι έχουν ευθύνη προς το κοινό τους.
Πχ. στην εν λόγω σειρά ο τρόπος που επέλεξαν να δείξουν τη γυναίκα με τα ψυχικά νοσήματα ήταν απαράδεκτος. Αναμαλλιασμένη, και γενικά ακολουθώντας απαράδεκτα στερεότυπα.
Επιπρόσθετα, ενώ υπάρχει αναφορά σε body issues -όλ@ έχουν κόμπλεξ επειδή δεν έχουν σώμα μοντέλου- δεν υπάρχει ούτε μία αναφορά σε body positivity. Πέραν του ότι σχεδόν όλ@ είναι πανέμορφ@ και αδύνατ@ σύμφωνα με τα 'πρότυπα ομορφιάς,' το οποίο φυσικά δεν είναι ρεαλιστικό. Το μόνο άτομο που είναι plus size προσπαθεί κι αυτό να μπει στα καλούπια της κοινωνίας. Θα μπορούσαν να τον κάνουν άτομο με αυτοπεποίθηση και να δώσουν και ένα θετικό μήνυμα στους plus size άντρες.
Και ο τρόπος που αποφάσισαν να δείξουν την ιστορία του Μίμη και της Ισμήνης είναι απαράδεκτος, εκτός αν στο τέλος επιτέλους μπει στη φυλακή και αποδωθεί δικαιοσύνη.
Είναι κλέφτης, παιδεραστής, και εν δυνάμει βιαστής (εφόσον τη στριμώχνει και την αγγίζει χωρίς τη συναίνεσή της συνεχώς) και φυσικά είναι και bully.
Κι ακόμα δεν έχει τιμωρηθεί ούτε μια φορά στη σειρά για τη συμπεριφορά του κι είμαι στο επεισόδιο 27.
Θα μου πεις, γιατί συνεχίζω να βλέπω τη σειρά; Ε, γιατί όταν είσαι ξενιτεμένη θες που και που να ακούς τη γλώσσα σου.
Είναι ο λόγος που ξαναξεκίνησα να βλέπω Ελληνικές σειρές.
Και ίσως κάποι@ να ρωτήσει γιατί το παίρνω τόσο σοβαρά.
Η απάντηση είναι γιατί ο κόσμος που βλέπει μια σειρά, θέλοντας και μη επηρεάζεται. Ειδικά τα νεαρά άτομα. Γι'αυτό.
Ουφ, τα είπα και ησύχασα!


Αγορά Xρυσού

Στην Ελλάδα έχουν φυτρώσει 'Αγορά Χρυσού' παντού, κι ο κόσμος δε γνωρίζει ότι η Εθνική Τράπεζα αγοράζει χρυσό με πολύ πιο συμφέρουσες τιμές για τους πολίτες. Αν βρίσκεστε σε οικονομική απελπισία και θέλετε να πουλήσετε κάποιο χρυσαφικό, τουλάχιστον μην πάτε σε αυτά τα 'Αγορά Χρυσού' που τα έχουν εταιρίες και ιδιώτες. Τσεκάρετε πρώτα την Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος πριν πάτε αλλού και σκεφτείτε το πολύ καλά πριν κάνετε την ό,ποια κίνηση.Παρατήρησα ότι στην εκπομπή της Πάνια έχουν χορηγό ένα από αυτά τα 'Αγορά Χρυσού.' Όταν ρώτησα τους γονείς μου τι παίζει με αυτά μου ανέφεραν την Εθνική Τράπεζα και πόσο ηλίθια κίνηση είναι ότι δε διαφημίζουν ότι αγοράζουν χρυσό, κι ο κόσμος πάει και πουλάει τα χρυσαφικά του σε 'Αγορά Χρυσού' που εκμεταλλεύονται τον κοσμάκη.Με αφορμή αυτό κάνω και αυτήν την ανάρτηση.


Is mental illness a choice?!

A doctor told me the other day, there is new school of thought in the medical circles supporting that anxiety and depression are a choice. Subconscious, but still a choice.
Now, I would like to see him say that to a rape victim, a victim of war and a victim of chronic abuse.
Isn't that inconsiderate and insulting af?
Apart from that, there has been research showing anxiety and depression can be genetic and they may also develop due to certain chemical imbalances of the brain. Let alone that a person who goes through trauma can develop those and I'm sure they didn't choose to do so.
More than often, when I have conversations with medical professionals, I can't help but wonder two things:
1. How the fuck did you get your degree?
2. Why do you speak professionally on things that you have not studied? E.g. a GP speaking on mental health, heart disease, diet etc.

Random Thoughts XXXXXIII

The world we live in has been designed to push the ones with no morals and no inhibitions forward and to hold the shy, the kind and the ones we care for others back.

If you're socially awkward, if you don't know how to climb socially, how to manipulate others; if you can't flaunt your talents, or fake them; if you don't like stepping on others; if you're kind, have a good soul and don't want to hurt others, then you're going nowhere in life.

Everyone says you need to hustle nowadays to move forward.
But what is hustling?
Isn't it to do anything you can to make money, regardless of any ethical implications?

So, to be successful in this day and age, to be a hustler, you kinda have to be an asshole.

That's what society is rewarding, unethical and immoral behaviour.


Panic Attacks

Before I begin, I'd like to clarify I'm not a medical professional, or medically trained in any way.
However, I do have basic knowledge and understanding of psychology due to my masters degree, and I have also spent more than 10 years of my life researching and learning about anxiety and depression.

Recently, I've noticed a few people in my close circles -including myself- have been suffering from severe anxiety, which many times led to panic and panic attacks.

I decided to write down a few suggestions on what you can do when something like that happens.

But first of all, why do we get panic attacks?
As I said, I'm no doctor, so bare with my simplistic explanation.

My understanding is that there is a part in our brains that identifies danger. That part has been in our brains since ancient times, and to this day reacts the same way it used to react back then.
Only difference is, back then, what you perceived as danger was a bear, a wolf, or something life-threatening.
What causes most people anxiety and panic today is relationships, family, work, studies etc. Non life-threatening situations.

So, what do you think happens when your brain reacts to non life-threatening situations as if they're life-threatening? You get a rush of adrenaline, which would be useful to you if you were to run from a bear, but is not useful to you if you have a work deadline to stick to. Instead, it causes you a few very unpleasant symptoms; symptoms which most patients mistake as life-threatening.

Some, but possibly not all, of the symptoms you may get during a panic attack:
-Shortness of breath/hyperventilating
-Chest pain/tightness
-Numb limbs
-Numb head
-Fear of death/cardiac arrest etc.
-Teeth grinding/jaw tightness/lock
-Dilated pupils
-Negative thoughts

And here comes the question: What can we do to stop panic attacks?

It takes 3 minutes from the time your brain sends danger signals to the time adrenaline is produced. It also takes 3 minutes from the time your brain realises it was a false signal to the time adrenaline stops being produced.
Theoretically, you can stop a panic attack within 3 minutes.

But to do that, you must be quite experienced and know how to control your thoughts and your breathing. It can be hard, but it's definitely doable.

Yes, there is hope.

As it is very hard to remember how to deal with panic as it happens, it is advisable to rehearse how to cope with it while calm, so that your brain and body can draw on that memory and experience whilst it's happening. Have a plan (same way people do fire drills, or earthquake exercises)!


Breathing is your weapon and ally against panic attacks. It's the one thing you can actually master control of before anything else.
And if you learn how to control your breathing, you will eventually get control of your panic.

When you panic, you breathe too fast and too much, which results in too much oxygen in your brain, which causes the numbness and tingly feelings you get.

Always breathe from your belly -not from your chest- during panic attacks. Breathe slow counting to 4, hold your breath counting to 4, and exhale slowly counting to 4. Repeat and try to slowly count to 6 instead of 4. If you could even reach 8 or 10 it'd be great, but don't push yourself too hard.

What that does is telling your brain you're relaxing and there's no danger. Because if there was a real danger, you wouldn't be doing relaxation techniques, you'd run for your life.

Controlling thoughts:

That's another thing you can do to stop panic attacks. It's a lot more advanced than controlling your breathing though.
Basically, our brains are lazy and love to associate things. So, when your whole life you think negatively, your brain always falls into that habit whatever may be happening to you. Moreover, it associates negativity with certain thoughts and feelings (e.g. discomfort, anxiety, people looking at you, or anything really). And that can be a painful trap during panic attacks.
"I'm having a heart attack" or "I'm dying" or "No one can help me" etc. etc. are all negative thoughts we're having during a panic attack, which lead us to have even more negative thoughts that feed our panic. Negative thoughts derive from fears.
We need to understand that fear isn't always reality. Certainly not during a panic attack.
Your fear is relevant to the constant negative thought pattern you've developed, combined with the adrenaline rush you're having during a panic attack.

Nevertheless, how is this information going to help you?

Well, you kind of have to force positive thoughts into your brain. "I'm ok" or "This is just a panic attack and it's not life-threatening" are positive thoughts that can help you.
Also, try to expose yourself to more positive material in general (e.g. cat videos, comedy, nature etc.).
'Reprogramming' your brain to have a positive thought process will create positive thought patterns which will make it harder for panic to take over.
Of course, that is a long process and you have to be persistent and militant to see long term results eventually.

A grounding exercise:

There are numerous grounding exercises you can do to distract yourself when your anxiety starts building up. One of them is the following:

Look around you.
Find 5 items that catch your attention.
Then, try to identify 4 sounds that catch your attention.
Then, 3 scents, then, 2 items you can touch, and lastly, 1 item you can taste.

Lifestyle and Healthy choices:

Remember, we are what we digest. If you're eating a lot of unhealthy stuff, don't get enough vitamins, consume too much caffeine and energy drinks, don't be surprised when you get palpitations and anxiety.
A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
Exercise, yoga, mindfulness, meditation: All can be extremely helpful to your mental health, especially if combined with a healthy diet.
Drink plenty of water and make sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
If you're feeling low on energy and you get palpitations and/or anxiety, check your B12 levels, your thyroid function, iron and anything else that helps your body function that you may be lacking.
More than often people who suffer from anxiety have certain deficiencies.

Therapy, CBT, Counselling, Hypnotherapy 

See a therapist/psychotherapist/hypnotherapist, counselor... Don't be hesitant to seek assistance. If you broke your leg you'd go see the doctor, so if your soul and mind are suffering, you should do the same.
There are different types of therapy, and it's up to the patient to research and find the one they feel can help them the most.
Don't get discouraged if you are going through financial difficulties. There are always free options for you to get support.

Environment and Atmosphere 

It's very important to live in a pleasant and calm environment. That will help you heal and recover. Aromatherapy, music, specific decorations, crystals, plants... These are all things that can help you build a safe space where you can feel better.
You need to focus on yourself and your mental health. If you feel the need to remove certain people from your life or if you feel the need to remove yourself from unhealthy situations and relationships, do it.
Those who love you and care about you will understand. Those who don't understand don't really matter.


Mind, 1 in 4, Mind our Minds and Samaritans are a few organisations/websites where you can find information and help.
There are also numerous fora and blogs where you can ask for information and even discuss mental health.

Useful Links:

Useful Videos:

There are thousands of videos you can find on youtube and articles you can find if you google 'how to deal with panic attacks' or 'how to overcome panic' etc.
Feel free to research and focus on the videos and articles that can help make a positive change on your life.


The truth about the NHS

I believe anyone who lives in the UK and is an NHS patient has noticed a decline in its services in the past few years.
GPs look more tired, and not willing to do thorough examinations, receptionists and staff are more aggressive, and there is an overall disregard towards patients.

As we all know, the system forces patients to go to GPs before they can see the doctor they need.
What that does is:
1. Puts a great amount of pressure on GPs to diagnose things they are not trained to diagnose
2. Gives GPs 10 minutes to make said diagnosis
3. Forces patients to depend on GPs who may take too long to refer them -if they decide to- to the appropriate doctor
4. Forces patients to wait, when that time may result in their death

Moreover, when a GP makes a diagnosis, that appears on your file, and the next GP who will see you is advised to follow that diagnosis rather than make a new one.
That means that if a GP didn't like you or if they just made a wrong diagnosis, that will follow you for a very long time and will probably result in more wrong diagnosis.

Now, I believe we have all heard NHS is being defunded. Considering that GP Practices already run on a budget, that just jeopardises patients health.
What am I talking about?

Basically, every Practice has a budget. When a GP refers you to another doctor that budget is used. Therefore, GPs are advised to not refer you unless they have explicit proof you absolutely need to be referred. Which means that sometimes you may actually need a referral and not get one.
It is cheaper for the NHS for you to go to the A&E when you're dying, rather than for them to refer the majority of people who ask for a referral. It is also a lot cheaper for them to give you medication, since most patients pay for their medication. Which is why they prefer to give people psychoactive medication, than refer them to therapists and counselors.

1. This way the GP Practice's budget remains untouched
2. The amount of people who will be dying and be in need of urgent care is lower than the number of people who will ask for referrals
3. Most people have to pay for their medication, but no one has to pay to see a GP and be referred to another doctor

So, now that there is less funding, there will be less referrals and probably less practitioners, and more waiting time. Furthermore, there will be a lot more prescriptions handed out.

A person who suffers from mental health has to wait 2-4 months to see a therapist, and even then, they only get 10-12 sessions. As you realise that is not enough or sufficient for people who suffer from mental health. Most mental health patients need years of therapy to see a great shift in their mood and health. Not to mention, a person who claims to be suffering from mental health has to go through a number of evaluations before they even get their sessions approved.

When you need an X-Ray or Pap test you have to wait for a few weeks before you get an appointment, and you aren't consulted when you are available for it. You are just expected to somehow be able to attend, and if you can't and have to reschedule, you may have to wait for months before you can get an appointment.

I know, by now you must be flabbergasted and frustrated due to this information. Which is absolutely understandable, if not expected.
And you may wonder, how did I acquire this information?

Well, apart from the fact that I came across a nurse who was very talkative regarding funding -she even mentioned they won't be giving STI tests to people anymore unless they're high risk- I also happen to know three doctors who at some point of their lives worked for the NHS.

On one hand I understand there's a lot of pressure on nurses, doctors and medical staff to perform under dystopian circumstances, which obviously causes them anger, irritation and influences their ability to perform. On the other hand, I cannot but be worried and fearful for the future of the patients, as they are the ones whose wellbeing is being affected.


Random Thoughts XXXXXII

Όταν αγαπάς ένα άτομο, και αυτό το άτομο σου εκμυστηρεύεται κάτι που το βασανίζει, πρέπει να δείξεις κατανόηση. Να το ακούσεις.
Άσχετα από το αν θεωρείς αυτά που σου λέει χαζά, ασήμαντα...

Όταν αγαπάς κάποι@, τότε είσαι εκεί. 
Ακούς, δίνεις μια αγκαλιά, το χρόνο σου...

Όταν αγαπάς δεν κοροϊδεύεις, δεν αγνοείς.

Random Thoughts XXXXXI

Life is way too short to spend it surrounded by assholes, bullies and narrow minded people. Don't be afraid to remove people from your life if they're toxic to you. You are entitled to choose how you want to live your life and with whom. And if people judge you, or if they don't get your decisions, screw them. It's your life, your rules.

Dear anti-vegans

So a couple of days ago I saw someone sharing an article that basically says:
"I eat meat and I don't feel guilty about it because being vegan doesn't make a difference."

Well well, look at how people are trying to get rid of their guilty conscious...

Fun fact, my comments were deleted because the person who posted the article had no argument against mine. Just trying to cover up for their guilt and get justification from other meat eaters with guilty conscious.

The article went on to attack vegans, as if vegans are humanity and environment's enemy.

Guess again: Wrong.

Vegans for the biggest part are a lot more eco-friendly and eco-conscious than most of us.
They care about ethical consumerism in all products.

The article said because rainforests are destroyed vegans are contributing to that due to their consumption.

First of all, if you buy ethically produced products and avoid palm oil (or unethically produced one), you have good chances of not contributing to rainforest destruction.

Secondly, we know that it's hard to be 100% eco-friendly. It's very very hard if not impossible (especially in big cities).

I've never seen a vegan make such a statement anyway.

I don't get why vegans are targeted by meat eaters, when it's so fucking obvious that when you eat meat you actually have contributed to animals' deaths (and possibly torture).

If you're vegan or vegetarian, at least you don't eat corpses, so you didn't contribute to the death of those said animals.

And that's a pretty big deal to me.

To say that you love animals, but then eat them... isn't that hypocrisy? Unless you support speciesism (which means you discriminate towards certain species).

If you really care about the environment and animals, maybe you should get a lesson or two from vegans instead of attacking them. Vegans aren't the fucking enemy. Those who torture animals and fuck up the environment and the ecosystem are.
Know your enemies and don't be manipulated sheep turning against people who aren't to be blamed.

If you want to eat meat, fine. But don't pretend you're not contributing to animal murder (and possibly torture). Admit you don't give a fuck and enjoy your steak.

I personally don't attack people for eating meat, regardless of my disagreement to it. It's your choice and you have to live with it. But don't bullshit me. If you don't feel guilty good for you.
However, if you feel guilty and try to justify your actions by making stupid and illogical excuses I ain't tolerating that crap.
You can lie to yourself, but keep it to yourself and don't attack us who don't eat meat.
Spewing all those lies that not eating meat doesn't make a difference. Of course it makes a fucking difference. Google it and see how many animals are saved per year by one person being vegan/vegetarian.

Bottom line is, do whatever the fuck you want to do and leave other people alone.

If you want to save the environment be an ethical consumer. If you don't care don't be.

Do you and let others do them.
