
Random Thoughts XXXXI

When people leave, when they make it clear either by their words or their behaviour, that they don't want you to be part of their life, you need to leave.
You need to respect their decision, but also, to respect yourself.

Don't beg. Don't try to contact them. Don't try to change their mind. Don't try to see how they're doing, if they're ok.
Once you have established you're not wanted, leave.

Rejection is hard, but you've probably rejected people around you without realising it too.
We'll always hurt others and others will always hurt us, that's for sure.

So accept the fact and move on.

For them, but also for you as well. 

The kids and the dark spiral

I hear screams coming from outside.
It's the school kids so I don't pay attention (they scream and shout for no reason all the time).
A few minutes pass and I hear screams and a commotion.
I look outside my window only to see a kid bleeding, being separated from someone he was fighting with. They almost got hit by a car as well.
The girls of the group kept on screaming while some of the boys left, and some others were with the kid who was bleeding.
They kept on screaming and shouting, and most of them seemed to enjoy the drama that was caused.
Not even one adult tried to separate the kids who were fighting, not even one adult tried to see if the boy was ok. Mind you the road was really busy at the time, so there were plenty of people around.
Most of the kids didn't try to help resolve the situation either.
Watching these young kids on a daily basis, overhearing their conversations, observing their attitude, it makes me really sad.
So much hatred, aggression, hate from such a young age.
So much unnecessary loudness and screaming, which is probably compensating for the things they really wanna say, for wanting to truly be heard. Or maybe because they have no other tools to communicate.
So much time wasted on things that are irrelevant and unimportant. Time they'll never get back.
I wonder what are their parents doing; whether they're ensuring their kids grow in a loving environment or are they too busy with work, survival and problems to care?
These kids are going to grow up thinking that what they're doing now is ok. Shouting, being violent, fighting... They're going to think that shouting is the only way of communication and violence is the only way to resolve your problems.
They're not going to be given the opportunity to explore peace and serenity in their lives. How beneficial civil interaction and communication can be, and how issues can be resolved calmly, without people having to get hurt.
And at times like this, when I see the younger generations going down that dark spiral that the previous generations created, I feel hopeless.


Πολλές φορές όταν μου λένε να μην παίρνω το μισογυνισμό στα σοβαρά ή ότι είμαι υπερβολική, θέλω να ουρλιάξω:
-Υποφέρω, μ'ακούς;
-Φοβάμαι κάθε άντρα που με πλησιάζει στο δρόμο γιατί πιστεύω ότι θέλει να μου κάνει κακό, μ'ακούς;
-Όταν περπατάω μόνη μου τη νύχτα κοιτάω πίσω μου συνέχεια και κρατάω τα κλειδιά μου σε περίπτωση που μου επιτεθούν, μ'ακούς;
-Όταν αμφισβητείς τη γνώση μου για ένα θέμα το οποίο γνωρίζω, επειδή είμαι γυναίκα, είναι άδικο, μ'ακούς;
-Όταν μου φέρεσαι λες και σου ανήκω ή είμαι ένα κομμάτι κρέας ή δεν είμαι άνθρωπος, εξοργίζομαι, μ'ακούς;
-Όταν δε με προσλαμβάνουν σε μία δουλειά γιατί πιστεύουν ότι είναι πιο εύκολο να δουλεύουν με άντρες, νιώθω απελπισία, μ'ακούς;
-Όταν μου λες ότι ο τόνος της φωνής μου είναι πιο σημαντικός από τα λόγια μου και θες να είμαι ήρεμη όταν μου συμβαίνουν αδικίες, νιώθω θυμό, μ'ακούς;

Και θα μπορούσα να πω πολλά ακόμα, αλλά το πρόβλημα είναι ότι δε μ'ακούς...


Happy Poetry Day

Happy Poetry day they all say

But no poems do they dedicate

To the poor, to the hungry, to all

Who are suffering, who are the dead toll

Random Thoughts XXXX

I'm extremely conflicted.
On one hand, I strongly believe there is absolutely no hope for humanity.
On the other hand, due to my character I can't stop fighting for equality and fairness.
It's hard to give up sometimes.
But what happens when -whatever you do- things don't change?

Core Beliefs

It's very hard indeed to challenge your core beliefs.
It can be tremendously painful to see that your core beliefs may be based on deception, weakness, brainwashing, lies etc...
However, if you want to be free, if you want to be your own person, if you want to avoid deception and exploitation, you need to challenge your core beliefs at all costs.


Random Thoughts XXXIX

You scrolling through your facebook timeline is just another form of consumerism.


Victim Blaming

I would like to talk briefly about victim blaming.
Victim blaming has been integrated in our society to such an extend, that even a judge will ask a rape victim what they were wearing.
What people need to know is the following:
A rapist/abuser/harasser is not provoked by their victim.
Whatever the victim does/says/wears is irrelevant.
The rapist/abuser/harasser has the tendency/desire/need to abuse/harass/rape for the following reason(s):
-They feel entitled to the above mentioned behaviours. Yes, they feel they have the right to rape/abuse/harass you
-They feel you are lower than them, and you should be their submissive
-They don't see the abuse as abuse, the rape as rape, the harassment as harassment. They see them as fulfilling their sexual needs (ofc ignoring you and your consent), venting off, communicating etc
-They are sadists/narcissists/psychopaths/sociopaths
There may be more reasons behind their behaviour, but I think you get my point.
We should never blame the victim, question their trauma or suggest their behaviour/appearance should be different.
This may cause great distress to a victim. And it's totally unnecessary.
So, if you're ever been a victim of any sort of abuse, harassment, rape... It's not your fault. It never was, it never will be.
You're a survivor, you're a strong person and it may take some time, but you will be ok.

ps. Please, when a victim is telling you their story: listen. Just listen.