So apparently the brexiters won.
Right wings, racists, nationalists won.
I can't begin to tell you my feelings towards this result.
A country that is being governed by the Tories left the EU. This government wants to privatise the NHS, give less money to the Arts and Education, and give more power to banks and corporations.
Now that UK isn't part of the EU anymore, these things will happen. Dark times await the UK.
On top of that, there is no apparent plan for the aftermath of the brexit.
And what will happen to all of us who are from the EU and have been living in UK for years?
And what will happen to all the British people who live in the EU?
UK will be punished from the EU for this decision. Any brexiter who thought they can leave the EU and still be pampered by the EU is delusional.
And of course, now there is a great divide. Those who wanted to remain will never forgive the ones who wanted to leave, and those who wanted to leave now will have a sense of power over the ones who wanted to remain.
The majority of young people wanted to remain, and older people to leave, thus leaving the younger generations despising the older ones, feeling their future has been destroyed by anachronistic political and nationalist views.
The great divide begins, the dark ages begin.
Well done UK, you just started the domino effect of destruction.