
London Housing Chronicles (Part 3)


For anyone who follows my blog this isn't gonna come to you as a surprise.
You already know I'm not the luckiest person when it comes to accommodation in UK.

So last time I mentioned my housing situation I had just moved out from that horrible house to my uni halls (the posh version, since I managed to get a cheaper deal).
Time there was heavenly and I was feeling so much better. All good things must come to an end though and so did my contract, forcing me to move out and in to my other uni halls. There my room was dope, the building was shit, the people were nice, the resident assistants were pricks and thankfully I only had to live there for a month and a half. After that I went back to Greece for sometime.

When I came back I rented a room in my other uni halls (different from the previous ones). I had been warned by a friend that I should better not live there, but the rent was considerably cheap, and the location was great.

And now let's get to the main dish...

Despite all the bad rumours of these halls (people stealing from each others' rooms, people stealing food, mice running around etc) due to my finances I had no other choice but to move in.
So my flat has the shittiest structure any flat has ever had.
The kitchens (2) are on the top floor, the way toilets and showers have been placed makes no sense, there are only 2 showers and 2 baths (which cannot really be used) for 20 people...

I hated this place from the second I entered the building. But things became worse when I was moving in and within the first 30 minutes of being there one of my neighbours started telling me about all the drama that was going on. Imagine moving to a place with 19 more people and immediately being aware that people don't get along with each other. I even had to participate on a housemate meeting on my first night there, because the flatmates decided there was too much drama which needed to be resolved -which didn't happen.

The drama & The housemates

I'm not going to go into detail out of respect for people's privacy.
The sure thing is that many people don't like each other. They have done nothing to try and live together in harmony and many gave no shits for causing great discomfort to their flatmates. In less than six months we had more than six people move out and that is no coincidence. Life in this flat is extremely stressful, people love talking behind each others' backs, many flatmates are extremely pretentious, they are extremely disrespectful to their flatmates and they generally don't realise that this isn't a hippy commune nor their own house, this is Uni Halls.

During my time in this flat I had (and still have) to put up with the following:

  • People leaving their unwashed dishes in the sink (even when they're away travelling outside the country) causing mountains of unwashed dishes at times, which made it impossible to use the sink
  • People leaving their unwashed dishes next to the sink, leaving no space for anyone to place any other items there
  • People placing dirty dishes on the drying rack
  • People placing the dishes in a way that is dangerous (I almost stabbed myself a couple of times and had pans placed on the shelves fall on me)
  • People not washing communal stuff that they have used 
  • People leaving the kitchen in a state
  • People stealing my glasses
  • People stealing my food from the fridge
  • People stealing my food from my cupboard
  • People using my stuff and food without my permission
  • People using my cutlery (which is in a cupboard) without my permission and not washing it or putting it back to its place
  • People from the other kitchen leaving their shit in the kitchen I use creating unnecessary discomfort
  • People leaving their shit everywhere in the kitchen, creating a mess
  • People not cleaning after partying
  • People partying in the kitchen late at night when they know some rooms are underneath the kitchen and the noise is unbearable
  • People being extremely rude when told off about their inappropriately loud partying on top of my room
  • People drunk banging on my door at 4am causing me a great deal of anxiety
  • People making noise in the middle of the night in the kitchen or slamming and banging things when they know people live underneath
  • People not flashing the toilet
  • People not cleaning their pubic hair off the toilet
  • People leaving the baths in a disgusting state
  • People playing extremely loud music or watching movies at 3am, causing my whole room to tremble and ofc causing me not to sleep
  • People leaving their shit in communal spaces and never picking it up
  • People from past years leaving their shit all over the kitchen forcing me to have to clean and organise three cupboards to be able to have some space
  • People hoarding massively in the kitchen
  • People not throwing away things that have expired and are in communal spaces
  • People making no effort to keep the kitchen clean, that so many times me and a couple of other housemates had to clean loads of disgusting dishes
On top of that I had to tolerate a hateful cleaning staff who not only didn't clean properly, but was also extremely rude and many times didn't clean the showers or the bathtubs at all.

The building

As if all this wasn't enough, causing me an immense amount of stress I had to deal with the following as well:
  • Cracks on the wall (that were painted over and not fixed)
  • Continuous sink blockage for months (making the use of the sink impossible)
  • Continuous boiler problems turning the kitchen -and my room that is underneath it- into a hotbox
  • Power cuts and internet issues throughout the year
  • Shower and bathtub problems (including blockage and a disgusting smell)
  • Major pest issues (cockroaches, spiders, mice -and mice' dead bodies underneath the oven)
  • Extremely sensitive heat detectors that go off even if you're blow drying your hair 
  • Ventilator issues
  • Problems with the lights
In addition to all these there was insufficient communication from the Accommodation office, many times ignoring the issues/our reports or alternatively aiming at temporary fixes.

The area

In case you didn't think all this is bad enough let me tell you a few things about the area:
  • There are loud police and ambulance sirens every few minutes (which unfortunately I can hear in my room since it faces the main street)
  • It's one of the most dangerous areas in London, having extremely high stabbing rates
  • I get catcalled all the time, and many times catcallers become verbally violent
  • The entrance of my Halls is on the dodgiest dark alley 
  • Many times people pee outside or next to my Halls or in general on the streets
  • There are fights around the area almost every night and especially during Thursdays and the weekends it's almost impossible for me to sleep with my window open (due to the screams, bottle smashing, fights, sirens etc)
There are a few good things about the area: many shops, pubs, takeaways, restaurants, clubs, parks etc. And I'm sure I would have been able to focus on those if I didn't live on this building.

To sum up...

Nevertheless, it's always hard to focus on the positive when the negative is so overwhelming.
Worst part of all?
I got to tolerate this shit for one more year. Yes, my financial situation doesn't allow me to live somewhere else for the time being, so I had to renew my contract...

Wish me luck.



Random Thoughts XXXIV

One of the hardest things in life is to embrace your imperfections and admit to your weaknesses.
However, if you want to evolve as a person, if you want to attain happiness and reach inner peace, you have to be brave and challenge yourself.
The journey of life isn't an easy one. But it can become a lot more pleasant when someone loves and improves themselves.
Good luck to all of us.


Random Thoughts XXXIII

So people need law to tell them what is wrong because without the fear of punishment people -supposedly- would just steal and kill etc (let's not mention that in today's society law is a mechanism that enforces capitalism, let's just refer to the old core of law before corruption consumed the human soul).

People also "need" religion telling them to be nice (exclude homo/trans/polyphobia, misogyny, sexism etc) because without the fear of going to hell or the fear of their soul not being saved or whatever, they'd just be assholes to each other.

I oppose both concepts.
I don't need anyone to tell me that I shouldn't kill, steal or hurt another creature.
I don't need someone to threaten me to be nice and decent.
I don't believe in law and I don't believe in religion. I do what I believe is right, always respecting myself and others.

And I call that common sense.

So, if you don't have common sense, and you need either law or religion to force you to be a decent human being, what does that make you?