
Autumn, leafs and poetry

I want him pale, so pale. . . like a dead body, like me.

I want him blond. . . maybe ash or fire blonde. . . like me.
I want him blue or green or gray eyed. . .like a creature. . .like me.
I want him obscure or even peculiar. . .weird and grotesque. . .like me.
I want him mysterious and mystical. . .unreadable and enigmatic. . .like me.
I want him fair and just. . .honest and sincere. . .like me.
I want him kinky and twisted. . .like an ill-minded controversy. . .like me.
I want him strong and dynamic. . .like a confident person should be. . .like me.
I want him open-minded and explorative. . .like a researcher. . .like me.
I want him dirty and pure. . .innocent and sinful. . .like me.
I want him artistic and logical. . .rational and real. . .like me.
I want him just and corrupt. . .cynical and impeccable. . .like me.
and the list could go on and on. forever. . .


Υπάρχει ελπίδα;

Μας ελέγχουν, μας παρακολουθούν, ευνουχίζουν τη σκέψη μας, μας βάζουν τσιπ -το οποίο δεν γνωρίζουμε από τι αποτελείται και τι ακριβώς μπορεί να μας κάνει, απαγορεύουν την έκτρωση. . .
Αφήνουμε να μας καταπατούν την ιδιωτική ζωή, να μας αλλάζουν το σώμα και να μας στερούν βασικά ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα.
Πού πήγε το δικαίωμα της επιλογής; Η δημοκρατία; Η ελευθερία;
Υπήρξαν ποτέ; Θα υπάρξουν ποτέ;


Summer, sweat and poetry

It's the last time I will see you sleeping next to me,
the last time I will hear you breathing next to me.
I have to memorize every inch of your body so that I will never forget.
But how could I forget. . . 
I have and will probably never touch you, 
but I was watching you sleeping, 
I heard you breathing,
I felt your heart beating. . .
That is enough for me



I started watching Skins around 2008 . . . 
It blew my mind! I've never watched any 'teen' series that raw, that honest before. I couldn't stop watching.
On that moment -after finishing the first two seasons- I made up my mind. I wanted to visit England. I wanted to see if what Skins depicted as reality was 'the' reality.
It's 2012.
I graduated this month. BA in Popular Music.
I've lived for 2 and a half years in London. 
Everything you saw on Skins . . .

. . . is true.


Tattooed Women

I hate how tattooed women are portrayed on magazines, websites, tv etc . . . 
Showing -too much- skin, being kinky, rough, more than sexy . . .
I don't like stereotypes. I myself am a woman with tattoos. 
I don't like showing them off. I don't like people who say "Oh! She's got tattoos she must me wild!"WTF people! 
How shallow and judgemental can you be?
If a woman wants to be sexy, kinky or whatever it has nothing to do with being tattooed. And she shouldn't be judged by or for it anyway. 
Why do people associate tattoos with "bad" or "wild" behavior? 
Why in 2012 a girl has to be in a bikini if she wants to be on a tattoo magazine cover? 
For me personally tattoos are sacred and private. They're not something to show off or to get to impress. 
I understand and respect that everyone has his/her own opinion. However I expect a little courtesy and respect as well. For example many times I had people -men most of the time- grabbing my arm to see my tattoos without even asking. They assumed it was ok because they were visible. Of course they were as I have a sleeve and it's summer, I'm gonna wear a t-shirt ffs! 
I believe that guys seeing all these girls on magazines, tv shows etc showing off their tattoos -even in very private places- makes them think it's ok to not only ask, but also grab a girl to see her tattoos. 
It's not ok. 
Don't be surprised if someone sues you for sexual harassment one of these days. 
Anyhow I needed to blog this as it's summer and I'm not going to wear long sleeved t-shirts just to avoid tactless behavior. 
Cheesecakes and Bats,


It was a cold night of June. . .

succumbing to paranoia tonight.

i had a date with my inner demons a little while ago.

it went great.

pessimism. contradiction. anger.

enjoy your meal.


Random Thoughts XVI

Music: the only thing that keeps me sane and drives me insane at the same time.

Random Thoughts XV

"To become and remain famous you owe to your audience to create an illusion.
They have to believe you're better, you're perfect.
To become and remain an artist you owe to yourself to be yourself."



Sex is the ultimate agreement by people to sink differences in a common cause! It's also the most beautiful form of consumerism and materialism. Two people become consumer objects to each other, and the consumer instinct never lies. Passion, in its will-erasing irrationality, is the best form of honesty. In sex, to paraphrase Jean Renoir, everyone has his unreason. 


Random Thoughts XIV

If I don't have a problem
then this world is the problem
and I can't handle that
so please tell me the problem is mine


Random Thoughts XIII

Δεν υπάρχει λόγος να είμαστε ανασφαλείς αφού το μόνο που έχουμε είναι ο εαυτός μας.

There is no reason to be insecure since the only thing you've got is yourself.


Random Thoughts XII

Music, Writing, Singing, Playing, Words, Literature, Poetry, Colors, Painting, Drawing, Sketching, Make-up, Tattoos, Filming, Directing, Photographing etc
 are forms of expression. Therefore ART.
And you know what?
ART is everything!


Random Thoughts XI

It's quite convenient not knowing what your problem is, 'cause you can just keep looking.
However once you've found it, you have to start solving it. And that is neither easy nor convenient.


Random Thoughts X

How do we know that paintings are not the real world?
How do we know this is reality?
Maybe paintings are glimpses that special people get from the real world. 
Maybe the real world is in the painting and is just revealed through the painter.

Maybe I'm just crazy . . .


Ελευθερία έκφρασης

Πολλές φορές μεγαλώνοντας αναρωτήθηκα γιατί κάποια άτομα με τα οποία δεν είχα καμία σχέση προσπαθούσαν να μου αποδείξουν ότι οι στυλιστικές επιλογές μου ήταν λάθος. Πόσες φορές μου έχουν πει "Μα γιατί έχεις σκουλαρίκια και τατουάζ μια χαρά θα ήσουν χωρίς αυτά!"
Αυτά τα άτομα προφανώς και δε συνειδητοποιούν ότι το θέμα δεν τα αφορά· δε συνηδειτοποιούν ότι ο κάθε ένας/μία έχει δικαίωμα να κάνει ό,τι τον/την εκφράζει στο σώμα του/της.
Πέρα του ότι είναι απίστευτα αγενής ο τρόπος με τον οποίο οι περισσότεροι σε 'συμβουλεύουν'.
Συνάμα δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω γιατί στέκονταν στην εμφάνιση και οι 'συμβουλές' τους δεν είχαν να κάνουν με τη συμπεριφορά ή την προσωπικότητά μου.
Δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω γιατί ενώ εγώ σέβομαι το ότι είναι διαφορετικοί από εμένα δεν τους κατακρίνω, ενώ εκείνοι κατακρίνουν εμένα.

Και ύστερα κατάλαβα. Θεωρούσαν το πώς είμαι 'μη φυσιολογικό', 'μη αποδεκτό' επειδή δεν έβλεπαν άτομα σαν κι εμένα στην τηλεόραση (τη θρησκεία του Νεοέλληνα).
Θυμάμαι πριν 4 χρόνια που μια φίλη μου που σπούδαζε στην Πάτρα είχε ξυρίσει το μισό της κεφάλι μια γιαγιά της είχε πει "Αυτό το χε κάνει κι η Βίσση!"
Είναι λυπηρό.
Είναι απαράδεκτο επίσης, ειδικά για τους νέους ανθρώπους να περιορίζουν την αντίληψή τους.
Γιατί πολύ απλά αυτό το μικρό κουτάκι το οποίο αντιπροσωπεύει τις αντιλήψεις τους δεν είναι το φυσιολογικό. Είναι αυτό που κάποιοι βάφτισαν φυσιολογικό για το συμφέρον τους. Για να ευνουχίσουν τη σκέψη, την ελεύθερη επιλογή. Ώστε να σε αναγκάσουν να μπεις στο μικρό κουτάκι τους για να μη γίνεσαι αποδέκτης/τρια bullying.

Αν αντί να ασχολούμαστε με το τι φοράει ο διπλανός, με το αν έχει τατουάζ ή σκουλαρίκια καθόμασταν να διαβάσουμε τι συμβαίνει στον κόσμο· αρχίζαμε να αναπτύσσουμε κριτική σκέψη και να βελτιωνόμαστε σαν άνθρωποι ο πλανήτης αυτός θα ήταν ένα πολύ καλύτερο μέρος για να ζεις.


Random Thoughts IX

You can either be stupid and happy or smart and depressed.

Random Thoughts VIII

I'm so sorry. . .
I'm sorry I can't be what you want me to be.
I'm sorry I don't wanna be what you want me to be.
I'm sorry I can't even try to be how you want me to be.
I'm sorry I'm just me.


Random Thoughts VI

I'm sick and tired of everyone pretending to care for my well being.
Some people just don't care. They want you to be alright for themselves.
They say they love you because they feel nice having you around them.
They never give a shit how that makes YOU feel.
Because it's all about them.
Well guess what.
It's not about them anymore.
From now on it's only about ME.


Freedom of choice!

Who gives parents the right to decide on their children’s beliefs and religion? NO ONE! Let your children grow up and do their own research before they choose. Let them choose for themselves!
Freedom of choice is a HUMAN RIGHT!

Share this and spread the word!

No more brainwashing!
No more forced decisions!
We support FREEDOM!



Παλιές εμπνεύσεις

Δεν ήμουν
Δεν είμαι
Δε θα είμαι . . .
Και στην τελική
Δε γουστάρω να είμαι !


I wasn't
I'm not
I won't be
And to be honest . . .
I don't want to be !

θυμάμαι ήμουν 16-17 χρονών όταν είχα γράψει αυτή την ατάκα πάνω στην τσάντα μου. . . μεγάλες στιγμές και εμπνεύσεις . . .


I recall I was 16-17 years old when I wrote this quote on my school backpack . . . important moments and inspiration . . .


University Life Diary I

I created this blog a couple of years ago to share my experiences, views and randomness with anyone that was interested in reading them.
Lately I've been feeling intense pressure from Uni. I've been studying non stop. I've been sleep deprived. I've lost weight because I didn't eat at all.
I was expecting the Christmas break with all my might hoping to get some rest and spend sometime with my family and friends in Greece. 
Being a student in London -especially when you're a foreigner- isn't an easy task. Not only shall you speak English well enough to support your academic studies but you shall also be aware of the 'etiquette' British people follow in their everyday lives.
When I left Greece for the first time, when I left Athens for the first time to chase my dream in music I thought London was the place to be. I -as most foreigners do- considered London to be a paradise of all sorts. London is a marvelous city. It's Europe's metropolitan centre. You can find anything you can imagine there. There are so many choices, so many different people. You can visit exquisite museums, parks and monuments. 
Nevertheless when you live in London for more than a year you'll realise shortly that this is the 'glossy' side of London. Rent is too high, studying fees are too high, living expenses are beyond high and traveling expenses are ridiculously high. You'll probably wonder in which criteria this conclusion is based on. I am Greek, therefore I compared Greek prices to British prices. Yes, I know this is stupid as British people get paid more than Greek people do. I, though, pay my university fees, living and traveling expenses with money coming from Greece. So for me, London is too expensive. Actually most non British university students consider UK, especially London, a very expensive place.
Londoners are quite uptight, gloomy and you will see many are addicted to alcohol. That was totally different from the mediterranean attitude and way of life I was used to. The weather has a lot to do with it. It's either raining/snowing or being foggy and cloudy. I remember during my first year in London when some people in the halls said 'It's so sunny outside!'. I looked out of my window to see the sun. Yes, you could see the sun, but there were also clouds around it. In Greece when it's sunny it's Sunny.
The most striking difference to me is the food. I think British people eat anything without really caring for the taste, the quality. As far as I am concerned this is blasphemy. :P Food is to be enjoyed. I love cooking and of course eating my mom's food! I love Greek taverns where you can go with your friends and family, talk for hours while eating without any rush. It's even better when the tavern is near the shore and you can see, hear and smell the sea.
I knew comparing two completely different countries wouldn't lead anywhere so I soon stopped. 
The problem was that I still couldn't imagine myself residing in London for ever. Well, I can't imagine myself reside anywhere for ever, but I couldn't even imagine living in London for ten years.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what London, what UK has given to the world. Especially when it comes to music. So many genres originated there or got their signature sound there.
I understand better now why even though I think London is a cool place, I wouldn't want to live there for a long time. It can be a bit 'too much' sometimes.
Why am I studying in London then? Because UK universities force you to study a lot. Because their equipment is fucking brilliant! When you study in UK don't expect to have amazing tutors that will guide you through your studies. A couple of your tutors will be alright, most of them will suck ass, but one or two will be superb. However you have to guide yourself through uni. You have to sweat if you want to get good grades. You're paying so you better put that money to some good use.
Plus when in London you are the first one to find out everything that's happening in the music industry -compared to the rest of Europe at least.
I have to admit that thanks to London my music horizons expanded beyond imagination! I challenged myself a lot and surpassed many of my limits. I doubt that could ever happen if I was studying music anywhere in Greece.
London gives you creative freedom; not limitless, but plenty.
The reason why I started writing this article is a panic attack I got this morning when I realised how much studying I got to do.
Well, I already knew deep inside. It's not that I haven't been studying during the Christmas break. It's just that my room in Halls is the only place in the world right now I can concentrate on a whim. When I sit on my black leather chair, in front of my black and white desk, in my black and red room in Athens I just can't concentrate.
I'm reading the same thing for hours without understanding what I'm reading. A playful sun ray catches my attention as it's coming through my shutters. I can hear neighbours shouting to each other from their balconies. Their chatting, gossiping, flirting. . . I know my dad is listening to his little old radio, smoking half a cigarette and drinking a tiny glass of his own red wine. And I know my mom is working on the ground floor -she's an aesthetician. When I'm studying in my uni halls room, I know it's either rainy or cold outside. I know my neighbours are either studying or drinking.
I know many foreigners that study in London and have no friends. They just go there to study. They don't go out or have fun. I feel really lucky I met the people that are my 'London family'. They're Italian, Spanish, Brazilian, Jamaican, Cypriot, Greek, Indian. . . I think the reason why I'm having a good time in London is them. Otherwise I would be a miserable misanthropist locked in my room all day.
Thank you guys!

Love, Peace,
and Coke Zero,